Avoided Deforestation Partners is committed to sponsoring broad-based initiatives that protect the world’s natural resources and our climate. Toward this end, we have launched a range of projects that have had a positive impact on saving forests while benefiting communities on the ground. In addition, we raise funds for and manage these initiatives in close cooperation with our network of experts and other stakeholders. Since 2007, ADP has spearheaded the following projects:

ADP Brokers Alliance between the Consumer Goods Forum & the U.S. Government
Rio+20 Announcement at AD Partners High Level Event “Advancing Public-Private Partnerships for Deforestation-Free/Sustainable Agriculture”
As global deforestation continues, the world loses an acre of rainforest per second. Deforestation seriously threatens the natural resources necessary to the survival of our planet, and contributes to an estimated 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. With the projected rise in the world’s population, and the growth of developing country economies, demands for food, feed, fiber and fuel will reach new extremes, and will further increase threats to critical… Read more

ADP’s Deforestation-Free Awareness Campaign
AD Partners creates the first “Deforestation-Free” product seal as part of awareness campaign
Consumers are largely unaware that many of the products they purchase contribute to the destruction of rainforests. The shocking truth is that the production of beef, soy, palm oil and paper contribute enormously to the loss of over 36 million acres of rainforest every year. This amounts to an acre of forest lost every second of every day. In addition to the staggering harm to the world’s biodiversity, deforestation is… Read more

The ADP REDD Methodology Project
In the summer of 2008, AD Partners launched its REDD Methodology Project. The initiative has brought together a group of internationally recognized experts to develop a series of freely available methodology modules for advancing REDD projects. These modules will enable project developers to estimate the real emission reductions of projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (“REDD”). This effort is critical to demonstrating and ensuring the environmental integrity of… Read more

ADP Brokers Historic U.S. Forest-Climate Agreement
Avoided Deforesattion Partners is pleased to have facilitated a milestone forest-climate policy agreement among prominent U.S. environmental, conservation and development groups in addition to power sector companies and other corporate interests. A further outcome of this initiative has resulted in the creation of a self-governing Tropical Forest and Climate Coalition, whose principal goal is to advocate the inclusion of all elements of the unity agreement in U.S. legislation.

Call for Leadership on Global Deforestation
The Avoided Deforestation Partners event in New York City featured Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Al Gore, Jr., and Professor Wangari Maathai, and issued a “Call for Leadership.” Participants urged the U.S. government to take a global leadership role in reducing deforestation. Stu Eizenstat, former U.S. negotiator for the Kyoto Protocol, urged the NGO presidents who were present, in addition to other leaders, to come together and send a message to… Read more

Sub-National/National Integration Project
Building on September 2008 workshop, AD Partners launches initiative to create REDD mechanism that integrates national and subnational approaches.
To follow up on our workshop on “The various levels of REDD: Making REDD work for forest nations and local stakeholders,” AD Partners is launching a new effort to provide policy makers with language that ensures that national and sub-national crediting and implementation approaches are compatible. AD Partners will convene stakeholders representing civil society, indigenous peoples, and the business community to draft a possible REDD mechanism that integrates project level… Read more