News and Events
ADP Launches Development of Baseline & Monitoring Modules
AD Partners presented a set of draft modules on diverse methodological aspects for REDD activities at a side event at the 2nd Forest Day organized by CIFOR in Poland at the 14th session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in December 2008. When completed, these modules will be freely available for advancing Avoided Deforestation projects that will enable project developers to estimate the real emission reductions of projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (“REDD”).
AD Partners Methodology Launch - Full Story
AD Partners presented a set of draft modules on diverse methodological aspects for REDD activities at a side event at the 2nd Forest Day organized by CIFOR in Poland at the 14th session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in December 2008. When completed, these modules will be freely available for advancing Avoided Deforestation projects that will enable project developers to estimate the real emission reductions of projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (“REDD”).
In Poznan, the draft modules were presented along with details for two upcoming tools that underlie the modules: a “decision support tool” and a framework module to help project developers apply the modules to develop REDD methodologies. The modules will go through a peer review process through the end of January after which they will be open for public comments. Drafts of the modules will be available for download on AD Partners’ website in March 2009.
This effort is critical to demonstrating and ensuring the environmental integrity of REDD projects, accelerating the development and implementation of REDD projects, and preventing the fragmented, project specific approach to methodology development that has occurred in the afforestation and reforestation sector. Appropriate REDD methodologies and demonstration projects will also be critical in informing international climate policy as the post-Kyoto negotiations progress. We believe that those involved in US climate policy will find this exercise equally interesting.
The modules were developed by a series of internationally recognized climate policy experts. After public comments on the modules are addressed, they will be submitted for validation under the Voluntary Carbon Standard’s new rules for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU), with validation expected to be completed by the middle of 2009. For more information or questions regarding the modules please contact Robert O’Sullivan of Climate Focus.
back to topREDD Methodology Project Team
Project Directors
Dr. Charlotte Streck — AD Partners and Climate Focus, the Netherlands
Robert O’Sullivan — AD Partners and Climate Focus, USA
Sponsorship and Support
Jeff Horowitz — AD Partners, USA
Lead Drafting Team
Dr. Sandra Brown — Winrock International, USA
Dr. Lucio Pedroni — Carbon Decisions, Costa Rica
Dr. Igino Emmer — UNFCCC A/R Working Group, The Netherlands
Eveline Trines — Silvestrum, The Netherlands
Tim Pearson — Winrock International, USA
David Shoch — TerraCarbon, USA
Ann Tartre — AD Partners, USA
Help Sponsor
The project team encourages and welcomes financial sponsorship from foundations, for-profit and non-profit groups. All contributions are tax deductible in accordance with U.S. law. The team also welcomes the intellectual support from the full spectrum of organizations, governments, companies and individuals that may wish to endorse this effort and offer comments as we proceed.
To sponsor, please contact Robert O’Sullivan of Climate Focus.
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